Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

A.Simple present tense
Simple present tense dapat disimpulkan bahwa present tense adalah tenses yang menyatakan fakta atau kebenaran umum yang terjadi, dan digunakan untuk sehari-hari
Formula :
(+) S + V1 + O/C
(-) S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1 + O/C
(?) DO/DOES + S + V1 + O/C
Example :
            (+) I work at the office
            (-) I don’t work at the office
            (?) do you work at the office ?

B. Present continous tense
            Present continous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi.
Formula :
            (+) S + Be + V1 + Ing + O/C
            (-) S + Be + NOT + Ing + O/C
            (?) Be + S + V1 + Ing + O/C
Example :
            (+) I am writing now
            (-) I am not writing now
(?) are you writing now ?
C. Present perfect tense
            Menekankan pada perfect nya, seperti sudah selesai, beres, baru saja, usai dsb
Formula :
            (+) S + Have/has + V3 + O/C
            (-) S + have/has + not + V3 + O/C
            (?) Have/has + S + V3 + O/C
Example :
            (+) she has gone
            (+) She has not gone
            (?) Has she gone ?

D. Present perfect continous tense
Suatu bentuk kata kerja ysng digunakan untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau dan terus berlanjut pada masa sekarang
Formula :
            (+) S + have/has + been + V ing
            (-) S + have/has + not + + been + V ing
            (?) Have/has + S + been + V ing
Example :
            (+) She has been driving
            (-) She has not been driving
            (?) has she been driving ?


A. Simple past tense
                Secara sederhana, tenses ini diartikan sebagai bentuk waktu yang menjelaskan tentang peristiwa atau perbuatan yang terjadi dimasa lampau
Formula :
                (+) S + be + wa/were + O/C
            (-) S + be + was/were + O/C
            (?) Be + was/were + S + O/C
Example :
                (+) she was here yesterday
            (-) She was not here yesterday
            (?) Was she here yesterday ?

B. Past continous tense
            Tenses ini menyatakan peristiwa yang masih berlangsung diwaktu lampau
Formula :
            (+) S + was/were + Ving
            (-) S + was/were + not + Ving
            (?) was/were + S + Ving
Example :
            (+) He was going to school last day
            (-) He was not going to school last day
            (?) Wa he going to school last day ?

C. Past perfect tense
            Adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menunjukan perbuatan atas peristiwa yang dimulai dimasa lampau dan terus berlangsung dimasa lampau berikutnya
Formula :
            (+) S + had + V3
            (-) S + had + not + V3
            (?) had + S + V3
Example :
            (+) My brother had slept
            (-) My brother hadn’t slept
            (?) Had my  brother slept ?

D. Past perfect continous tense
            Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan hal atau peristiwa yang sesuatu nya telah terjadi dan sedang dimasa lampau
Formula :
·         Subject + Auxiliary verb HAVE + Auxiliary verb be + Main Verb
Example :
            (+) When they washed my dress, your father had been playing badminton
            (-) When they washed my dress, your father hadn’t been playing badminton
            (?) When they washed my dress, your father been playing badminton ?

A. Simple future tense
            Suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi dimasa depan dengan atau tanpa rencana
Formula :
            (+) S + will + bare infinitife
            (-) S + will + not + bore infinitife
            (?) will + S + bore infinitife
Example :
            (+) I will shut up the window
            (-) I won’t shut up the window
            (?) Will I shut up the window

B. Future continuous tense
            Tenses ini adalah tentang peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi/berlangsung
Formula :
            (+) S + would + be + ving
            (-) S + would + not + be + ving
            (?) would + S + be + ving
Example :
            (+) You would be working
            (-) You would not be working
            (?) Would you be working ?

C. Future perfect tense
            Future perfect tense ini sama dengan past future perfect tense, hanya saja berbeda pada pastnya
Formula :
            (+) S + would + have + v3
            (-) S + would +not + have + v3 
            (?) would + S + have + v3
Example :
            (+) She would have driven home
            (-) She would not have driven home
            (?) Would she have driven home ?

D. Future perfect continuous tense
            Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan telah terjadi dan masih berlangsung dimasa yang akan datang
Formula :
            (+) S + would + have + been + ving
            (-) S + would + not + have + been + ving
            (?) Would +  S + have + been + ving
Example :
            (+) I would have been swimming for 30 minutes
            (-) I would not have been swimming for 30 minutes
            (?) Would you have been swimming for 30 minutes

A. Past future tense
                Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang terjadi, tetapi tentang nanti karna “FUTURE” sendiri itu berarti masa depan..
Formula :
                (+) S + would + v1
                (-) S + would + not + v1
                (?) Would + S + v1
Example :
                (+) I will study
                (-) I will not study            
                (?) Will you study ?

B. Past future continuous tense
                Tenses ini adalah tentang peristiwa yang akan sedang berlangsung, tetapi kalau past future itu akan  sedsng berlangsung itu DULU, bukan KINI, dan nanti pula.
Formula :
                (+) S + would + be + ving
                (-) S + would + not + be + ving
                (?) Would + S + be + ving
Example :
                (+) She would be learning music
                (-) She would not be learning music
                (?) Would she be learning music ?

C. Past future perfect tense
                Past future tense mempunya persamaan dengan future perfect tense, perbandingan nya hanya pada past nya saja.
Formula :
                (+) S + would + have + v3
                (-) S + would + not + have +v3
                (?) Would + S + haave + v3

D.Past future perfect continuous tense
Example :
                (+) She would have driven home 
                (-) She would not have driven home
                (?) Would she have driven home
                Past future continuous tense ini mengenai peristiwa atau hal yang telah sedang terjadi dimassa lampau .

Formula :
(+) S + would + have + been + ving
                (-) S + would + not + have + been + ving
                (?) Would + S + have + been + ving
Example :
                (+) I would have been swimming for 20 minutes
                (-) I would not have been swimming g for 20 minutes
                (?) Would you have been swimming for 20 monutes ?

sumber: www.16formulatenses.com